Posts Tagged “Fog”
One day this summer I got up well before dawn, to load gear into the car and drive down to a favorite location in the Killbuck Marsh area, some twenty miles south. I parked the car just off the side of the dirt road, strapped gear onto my back, and headed into a field of…
Blog, Gear, Landscape, Lenses, Technique, WildlifeCraft , Deer , Depth Of Field , DOF , Early rising , Effort , Field , Fog , Gear , Hand-held , Landscape , Marsh , Morning , Patience , Planning , Sunrise , Wildlife
I haven’t posted in awhile, but I come bearing an excuse from home: I was on vacation in September, a driving trip with my wife to Nova Scotia (via the Canadian route on the way up, and coming back down on the American side), and then my mother broke her kneecap, which at her advanced…
Blog, General, Landscape, PersonalFog , Foggy , Landscape , Lighthouse , Nova Scotia , Patience , Peggy's Cove , Vacation