Welcome Back (For The First Time)

Welcome Back (For The First Time)

A couple years ago, I started to put together a blog site about photography, very cleverly named CosynPhoto. The intention was for it to be a combination of basic tutorials and informational blog entries for people who were interested in exploring photography as a craft (with the strong caveat that I’m far from being an expert or pro myself) along with a place to share the photos of things I was interested in. The photo galleries range from wildlife and nature shots, to experiments in still-life and water-drop photography, and whatever other roads I tried to follow. When I was just getting it into shape, some things happened that kept me very busy (family matters, health issues, whatnot), and then just when I was ready to get back to it, I discovered I had somehow clumsily clobbered the site, and couldn’t even access it anymore. So it lay dormant, and went nowhere, and I had not even told anybody it existed (which was just as well because it no longer did).

But recently, I cobbled together some of the old pieces, and dusted off some new ideas, and pieced together a new site (with the same name), and although it’s still nascent and undergoing construction, I’d like to have a few friends over to look through the place and test it out, and give me some feedback, to help me get it into shape. I still have some pages to add (such as a glossary), and of course there aren’t very many blog posts yet, but suggestions and comments will help me to know whether it’s worth further time and effort.

I know it’s asking a lot of people, to spend 15 or 20 minutes poking around in a newborn blog, and I don’t expect many of you to have that kind of time on your hands. But if you can even spare 10 minutes, and then leave comments, that would be very much appreciated. Certainly I don’t mind getting comments like “It’s nice!” but I really want to hear about things like: Is the site slow, or does it respond OK? Do the links work? Is the information in the blog entries sensible? Too much detail? Not enough detail? Crappy writing? Hard to read or understand? Just plain wrong? Dull? Of any value? If you were just beginning to get into photography, would the posts be helpful, or just tiresome? Have you viewed the site on a phone, tablet, or full-size monitor?

You can comment on the individual blog entries, or send an email to jerry@cosynphoto.com.

The site is CosynPhoto.com and it’s still in an embryonic stage, but with your help, I will try to develop it (so to speak).

Thanks for taking whatever time you can to poke around, and to leave comments.

Jerry Cosyn

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